Articles in this series
To start your coding journey particularly being a web developer, below are a simplified details of some essential setup you must have. Web Browser A...
HTML is an acronym that stands for Hyper Text Markup Language Role of HTML in web development HTML is a language used to structure a webpage, an HTML...
Reading through my previous article, I gave a glimpse of what HTML is and how to create one, this time around I will give you what the structure of an...
Paragraphs and Headings ยท To create a web page, you will have to write out text in the document, there is a way to structure this in HTML via tags made...
Let's say you are working on a web page and you want to group a bunch <p></p> tags together, no need to panic HTML provides some tags to the group for...
In real cases when you have an HTML element on your page, you often want to add more information to the opening tag of that element, you can achieve...